Type Tales: Understanding and Celebrating Diversity Through Type
Diane Farris
Type Tales (Center for the Applications of Psychological Type, 2000) is a book based on four stories about two dogs, Millie and Momo, who are best friends, but opposite in each of the dimensions of psychological type. Their differences give rise to confusion, humor and new understandings. The stories are accompanied by photographs and followed by suggestions for using the tales to increase compassion among children in various settings. As children hear the stories and see the photographs, they can be engaged in conversation about their own “preferences” and those of their near and dear.
The stories evolved during my son’s early elementary school years, when I, an introvert like Momo, was telling stories to his class. At the time, I was teaching and intrigued with psychological type, compassion and learning preferences. Type Tales is available on Amazon and at the CAPT website, capt.org, which offers deep resources on psychological type.
“The stories are charming and the theoretical discussions are wonderfully gentle and clear. Type Talesshould be a great resource for teachers, parents andcounselors, as well as a source of amusement and insight to children themselves.”
Rev. Jeremy Taylor