Dream Images
Diane Farris
This was a joyful collaboration with Jeremy Taylor in 2012. It is available at the blurb.com bookstore.
From my Introduction:
“Photography is a central part of my way, exploration, expression and connection. The photographs that appear in Dream Images have been created over years. Many are part of ongoing series on subjects such as Water, Screens, Childhood and Sandhill Cranes. Only one group of pictures actually related to a dream, those for the book In Dolphin Time, which began with a profoundly touching dream of dolphins lost and dolphins found. That book is about – on one level – things coming into fullness when they are given attention, space and time.
The practice of photography unfolds into the pause, blessed by light, breath held. Like mindfulness, photography can still time, allowing a moment to deepen and center. While life flows continuously, part of the mystery of photography has always been the capture of a moment, beheld in today’s light, re-called and re-storied tomorrow.
Photography is about light and time. My work is also about love and concern for the beauty and balance of our world. Art and dreams have ways of honoring both the ordinary and the wonderful, catching glimpses of them in each other, like the warm harvest moon reflected in a simple bucket of clear water.” Dream Images, p. 9